Certified E3 Inspector

E3 Qualified Inspector Education and Courses

Inspector Qualification

The Association of Professional Exterior Elevated Element Inspectors provides two qualifications for inspectors. These qualifications can be beneficial in ensuring that your building’s exterior is inspected by a skilled experienced professional. Get in touch with us to find out more about how we can assist you with inspection requirements. 

Qualified Inspector

An E3 Certified and Qualified Inspector holds the appropriate State licenses to conduct an inspection of a building complex. The inspector should posses the necessary expertise and experience to asses Exterior Elevated Elements and determine the remaining useful life of these elements. Furthermore, the inspector should be able to effectively communicate the condition of the Elevated Element to the end user and provide recommendations fo rany necessary repairs. 

Associate Inspector

An E3 Associate Inspector plays a crucial role in the inspection process by assisting E3 Certified Inspectors and gaining hands-on experience to become an E3 Certified Inspector. With real inspections and training, they learn the skills and knowledge necessary to excel in their role.